Battle of the Books
At Georgia O'Keeffe the Battle of the Books is designed for 4th and 5th graders only. Each grade has its own list of books compiled by Ms. Huggins and the grade level teachers. Each classroom will form a team of students who have read some or all of the books on the appointed grade level list. Classrooms will "battle" in the second semester. Students will get credit for each book read by filling out the summary sheet in their BOB Google Classroom. For each five books completed students will receive recognition in the library. Students also receive credit in the classroom for each book and summary sheet completed which improves a student's chances of being on the classroom Battle of the Books team.
The current year's books are shelved in a special section of the library. The 4th grade books have a salmon colored "BOB" sticker and the 5th grade books have a red colored "BOB" sticker.