Bell Schedules
Daily Schedule
- 7:15 a.m. - Students are allowed on campus; supervised on the playground or at breakfast in the cafeteria.
- 7:30 a.m. - First bell rings.
- 7:33 a.m. - Tardy bell rings.
- 2:15 p.m. - Dismissal.
Abbreviated Day (Two hour delay)
- 9:15 a.m. - Students are allowed on campus, supervised, but breakfast will not be served in the cafeteria.
- 9:30 a.m. - First bell rings.
- 9:33 a.m. - Tardy bell rings.
- 2:15 p.m. - Dismissal.
Prompt and regular attendance is necessary for all students to attain academic success. Missing school, being tardy, and leaving early takes away a student’s ability to receive important instruction impacting positive academic progress and achievement. Attendance is one of the most important habits a student can learn and is taken seriously by both GO’K administration and APS. Please make every effort to get your child to school every day and on time. For detailed information concerning attendance, view the APS School Attendance Guidelines under Student Handbook.
Whenever your child is going to be absent from GO’K, please call the school clerk to report the absence at (505) 293-4259 EXT 2 before 8:10a.m. APS has an automated system which will begin informing parents/guardians of student absences. Even when the absence is called ahead and entered into our attendance system, an automated call goes out. Please indicate the reason for the absence when contacting the clerk for accurate coding of the absence. When no reason is provided, the absence is marked as unexcused. Absences will soon be able to be entered by parents or guardians through ParentVue. Information on how to enter absences using ParentVue will be shared when it is made available.
Tardy Policy
A student is tardy after the bell rings at 8:07a.m. Students who are tardy must be walked into the school and signed in by their parent or guardian. The tardy desk will be located in the entry foyer and staffed by the GO’K Redirector. Tardiness is a disruption to classroom instruction and is addressed by administration.
Early Pick Up
As classroom instruction is a key component of student success and continues until the dismissal bell, early dismissal of students is discouraged and will cease at 2:30p.m. Students will not be released within 30 minutes of the dismissal bell, so please plan accordingly. When an emergency occurs that requires early dismissal, the child is not permitted to leave the school grounds before regular dismissal without a parent/guardian checking him or her out, in person, through the office. Parents, guardians, and emergency contact people are to come directly to the office, provide a picture ID ̧sign the child out, and the child will be called from the classroom at that time. Parents, guardians, or emergency contacts are not to go directly to the classroom. Additionally, people who are not authorized by the parents in Synergy will not be allowed to pick up students before dismissal of the school day. School safety and protection of instructional time are maintained through these procedures.
Inclement Weather, Abbreviated School Days,
and Early Dismissal Procedures
In case of an emergency, usually caused by weather conditions, the Albuquerque Public Schools will run on an abbreviated schedule. The start of school is delayed two hours, so GO’K students attend school from 10:05a.m. to 3:05p.m. An abbreviated day schedule or school closing is announced on the following radio and TV stations and families will receive notification through the automated APS School Messenger System.
Stations that Announce Weather Alerts
- KOB AM 770
- KRST FM 92.3
- KOB FM 93.3
- KOB Channel 4
- KOAT Channel 7
- KWRE Channel 13
If severe weather develops during the day, APS may make a decision for early dismissal and announce this on radio, TW, and the website. Bus students will ride the bus home, walkers will walk home. We realize that many of our families may not be in Albuquerque if this occurs and would not be able to pick his or her child. Please make sure your family has plans for these emergencies so your child knows where to go and what authorized family members or neighbors/friends will be taking care of them. In the event of extreme weather conditions at the time of arrival or dismissal, please expect delays in the drop off or pick up areas.